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As the full-scale war continues, Ukraine is receiving a great deal of support from foreign governments and certain politicians. The unity of the global community in this matter is unprecedented. This is notably due to the active support of citizens – in Europe and other regions – who are drawing attention to Ukraine. As a result, the leaders of these countries are compelled to respond to public opinion by providing military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as well as putting increasing pressure on Russia.

People are organizing events and performances, gathering for demonstrations where they appeal to their governments, and raising funds at fairs, as well as constantly promoting Ukrainian symbols and working for the recognition of all things Ukrainian, all over the world.

Be brave like Ukraine

This is a promotional campaign launched by the Ukrainian government, which includes placing posters or billboards with the words “Be brave like Ukraine” in different cities around the world. People can download ready-made materials (posters, prints and stickers), which can be printed and distributed in their communities.

Buildings lit up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag

Some of the world’s most famous buildings are now illuminated with the colours of the Ukrainian flag. Some places do it every day for a few hours, while others do it for the whole evening. In other cases, it is a one-off action that allows a city or a community to express its support for Ukraine. The Burj Khalifa in the UAE, the Sydney Opera House, and the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels, to name but a few, have all been lit up in yellow and blue.

Renaming streets

Dozens of countries around the world have launched the Ukraine Street campaign, which calls on local communities and city authorities to rename the streets where Russian embassies and consulates are located, in honour of Ukraine. As a result, a number of cities now have streets named after the Heroes of Ukraine, Free Ukraine, Independent Ukraine, and more.

Japanese railway

A local railway in Kagawa prefecture in western Japan has launched a blue and yellow train in solidarity with Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian railways – tr.). The train also bears the following inscriptions in English: “We stand with you” and “To Ukrainian railroad workers who protect people’s lives”.

Street art

Artists in different countries are creating graffiti and murals in support of Ukraine. These artworks – on buildings, walls and fences – become constant reminders of current events. They can already be seen in Paris, Cardiff, Poznan, Milan, Frankfurt, Prague, London, and other cities. New street art is also appearing in Ukraine, particularly in Rivne and Kyiv.

Criticism of the West’s reaction

An artistic happening – a bloody party called ‘France in Trance’ – was held in Vilnius on April 22 in the square in front of the French Cultural Centre. The organisers wanted to draw attention to Western Europe’s slow reaction to the genocide in Ukraine. A number of concerned citizens, from students to famous artists, gathered to participate in the performance. Dressed as if for a party, people danced on the square; however, their costumes were covered in red paint, as a reminder that Ukraine is now paying in blood, restraining the Russian invasion and fighting for democratic values, so that Europeans can enjoy peace and normal life.

Silent bike ride

Hundreds of cyclists, both children and adults, rode their bikes through the streets of Berlin on April 17 to express their support for Ukrainians. The “silent” bike ride — without any particular slogans or demands, just Ukrainian flags over the cyclists’ shoulders — lasted for around three hours. The participants covered a winding 27-kilometre-long route. Throughout their ride, they were happily greeted by passers-by and constantly heard shouts of “Glory to Ukraine!”; car drivers honked horns; people leaned out of their windows and waved at the participants. A similar event also happened in Berlin on April 23, but the route was shorter, so it lasted just over an hour. Similar bicycle races in support of Ukraine were also held in Polish cities.

Join the events taking place in your city or find like-minded people and organise your own. Every action that speaks of Russia’s crimes and supports Ukraine is important.

The material is prepared by

Founder of Ukraїner:

Bogdan Logvynenko


Sofia Anzheliuk


Natalia Ponedilok


Anastasiia Gulko

Compilation of information:

Anna Lukasevych

Photo editor:

Yurii Stefanyak

Content manager:

Kateryna Minkina


Diana Stukan

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