Natalia Ponedilok

Involved in the
preparation of the material

Returning from the front to teach life with a prosthesis


Returning from the front to teach life with a prosthesis

Ruslana Danilkina is a veteran whose own experience with injury and prosthetics helped her discover new calling in rehabilitating soldiers. Now, the veteran assists injured servicemen in adaptation to life with prostheses, demonstrating through her own example that an active...

The Night Work of UAVs: A Photo Story by Anton Sheveliov


The Night Work of UAVs: A Photo Story by Anton Sheveliov

Дрони стали одним із символів повномасштабної російсько-української війни й тим видом озброєння, яке чи не найактивніше розвивається протягом останніх кількох років. Особливо відчутною їхня роль була у вимушеному заміщенні артилерії, де через перебої з поставками критично бракувало боєприпасів.

How Irpin is being restored


How Irpin is being restored

Irpin is one of the Ukrainian cities where reconstruction efforts have expanded into an extensive campaign involving numerous stakeholders. Residents of apartment buildings independently repair roofs damaged by shelling and replace windows in their homes. Lithuanian partners are engaged in...