Nazarii Povroznyk


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How Sumy is being restored


How Sumy is being restored

The current security situation in Sumy is eloquently illustrated by the headlines on a single page of local media, which might read: “Enemy drone downed”, “Constructing fortifications” “New podcast on city life launched”, and “Local craft festival to take place”....

How the Trostianets community is being restored


How the Trostianets community is being restored

Trostianets is a town in Slobozhanshchyna, just 35 km from the Russian border, where reconstruction and development have been consistently hindered by Russia. From the first day of the invasion, the city was occupied for almost a month, leading to...

How Okhtyrka is being restored


How Okhtyrka is being restored

To focus on critical infrastructure or restore all damaged objects is a challenging question for Ukraine, which is even more pressing for the border settlements in the country’s east and north. The proximity to the Russian border does have an...

How Irpin is being restored


How Irpin is being restored

Irpin is one of the Ukrainian cities where reconstruction efforts have expanded into an extensive campaign involving numerous stakeholders. Residents of apartment buildings independently repair roofs damaged by shelling and replace windows in their homes. Lithuanian partners are engaged in...