
How Russia’s war against Ukraine affects animals and the environment

How does Russia’s war in Ukraine endanger the environment and what can we do to restore it? Let’s find out from Ostap Reshetylo, associate professor at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and project manager at World Wildlife Fund...

How war affects the Black Sea and marine life

In 1996, the six coastal states of the Black Sea signed the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea. This plan was necessitated by the alarming destruction of the Black Sea’s unique natural complexes...

How the IAEA does (not) work: a history of failures of the “peaceful atom” defenders

For over a year, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, has been occupied by Russian forces. Humanity has been on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe for over a year. This is the first...

Mariupol: News from the Occupied City

The whole world was watching the siege of Mariupol and Azovstal. The full-scale invasion turned this once-flourishing city with a population of 500,000 into a devastated wasteland occupied by the Russian army, with no more than 100,000 residents remaining. The...

Russia: nuclear terrorist

“The threat (of nuclear weapons) is real. It’s serious and shouldn’t be underestimated.” These were the signals sent by the Russian Foreign Minister on behalf of his country on April 26, 2022. On that day, 36 years ago, one of...

How Russia is organizing acts of nuclear terrorism in Ukraine

The Russian Federation has proved that it is not planning to abide by the rules of war established by international law. In addition to bombing residential areas and civilian infrastructure Russian troops have encroached upon international security and resorted to...

Russia is arranging ecocide in Ukraine

Russia’s war against Ukraine is not only a crime against thousands of peaceful Ukrainians but also a threat to the world’s environmental security. For decades, the Russian government has received billions in sales of natural resources: oil, natural gas, wood,...

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