Business Owners

Going global. Ukrainian backpacks that conquered Kickstarter

A desire to create a high-quality and worldwide recognizable product pushed Oleh Vlasenko to found the Ukrainian backpack brand Huru in 2014. Their first backpack crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter had an overwhelming success: they raised three times more money...

How to export? Kormotech feeds cats and dogs in dozens of countries

Kormotech is a Lviv family-owned company, one of the world’s top 70 best producers of dog and cat food. They export 20 per cent of production, producing pet food at two factories in Ukraine and one in Lithuania....

How to export? Cultnaked dresses stars worldwide

International celebrities are now buying and wearing fashion pieces created by the brand Cultnaked which fashion photographer and designer Mary Furtas established in 2017 in Ukraine.  The brand has scaled from a small workshop in Lviv to organising...

Goat Farms: A Success Story

In Naddniprianshchyna, central Ukraine, dozens of farmers decided to revive goat breeding around the same time. The family farms ‘Zolota koza’ (‘Golden Goat’) ‘Babyni kozy’ (‘Grandma’s Goats’) ‘Lisova ferma’ (‘Forest Farm’), and ‘Pani Koza’ (‘Mrs Goat’) are all engaged in...

Making Passive Houses in Ukraine

An autonomous house that is easy to assemble in a matter of weeks and can be placed anywhere. A building that is independent from the power grid, has its own sewerage, and is equipped with water and air purification systems....

Ukrainian e-bikes conquer the world

Delfast, a Ukrainian company, created an e-bike that can go farther than any other bike in the world on one battery charge. The company works with international clients and develops new models for leisure, as well as professional use.

Starting an Organic Farm

In 2010, economist Valentyn Obshtyr quit the banking industry and started to revive the enterprise where his father had once worked. He bought out the assets belonging to a kolhosp in the village of Staryi Porytsk in Volyn and began...

Jerseys and cheese

Viktoriia and Yaroslav Knysh set up a farm and creamery in the village of Selysko, Halychyna, where they produce butter, yoghurts and cheeses from natural cow, sheep and goat milk. After their friends set up a dairy farm with Jersey...

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