
Patskaniovo. Saving grandfather’s bread

If statistics is anything to go by, Ukraine keeps facing active urbanism processes, rural areas keep growing old and dying out. And only one region shows the opposite – and of all others it is Zakarpattia.

Nasha Fajta – all Zakarpattia in one animated cartoon

There’s much of local color in Zakarpattia. There’re also many people who realize that it is an advantage of the region. This story is about the guys who have managed to tell about their unique area in an interesting, up-to-date,...

Seven modern writers of Zakarpattya

Life on the borders of four different countries, dialect that is hardly understood by locals even, not mentioning other people, numerous minorities and nationalities, mountainous wisdom and very authentic perception of the world – all those factors more or less...

Saint Miklós, the Castle that Decided to Be

It is not very difficult to get to the Saint Miklós castle in Chynadiyovo and take a guided tour there: the door is always open to tourists and travelers.  However, we needed more information than the guides usually tell during...

Swiss creamery that changed the life of the village

Rural settlement in Transcarpathia (Zakarpattya) called Nyzhne Selysche would amaze you right away, from the very first moment you arrive. We came here by invitation of Inna Prygara, she is studying the art of cheese-making in France. After few months...

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